As I finished Radiation on Tuesday I tearfully rang a bell signifying the end. My radiation oncologist said that I could officially say
It has been quite a road, and I am still VERY tired and sore but it is only going to get easier from here. Chemo was so physically hard for me, but radiation was a mental and emotional battle, each day was a fight just to make it through treatment. Some days I didn't, ending in lots of tears, but eventually I learned how to change my mental focus, and with the great help of the miracle of music I finally made it through!
Tuesday was my day to celebrate! That night we went to dinner with my mom, mother-in-law, husband, sisters, niece, nephews, and of course my little Sofie.
I still feel like I have more celebrating to do but my body is still so tired I may have to wait a couple more weeks :) I know that I still have lots of follow ups and tests in my future but am trying to just keep my focus on the excitment that I beat this lousy cancer!
It really is such a miracle to be alive!
( I have much more to say but will save it for future blogs :) )