Monday, December 3, 2012

Inside a PUMPKIN

I saw these cute posts on PINTEREST....

I thought, "Hey, that looks so cute!" I bet my baby would look adorable inside a Pumpkin!

We tried it....

It was supposed to look like this

Happy Baby Pumpkin     So cute right? or maybe like this?  Baby Pumpkin

But of course our photo shoot looked like this

and like this....

and our best shoot of the night (the only one she wasn't crying in but looks like she may have baby expletives going through her head)...

After jumping around trying to make her happy and putting her in and out of the pumpkin, after lots of tears from our little Sofie, we finally gave up. Well, till next year. :)

And even though our little girlie smiles all the time and is the happiest, easiest baby around, I will always treasure these sad pumpkin photos of my miracle baby.