Monday, July 9, 2012

I'm grateful....

 I've learned a lot in the past several months and one of the most important things I think I have learned is to be grateful for all the little (as well as the big) things in life. 
I am so grateful that chemo is over but more than that I am so grateful for science and medical advances! I have never been one to know (or care...sad but true) too much about science but as I've battled this cancer I have been so grateful for the modern advances in science and how lucky I am to live in a day in age where having cancer does not have to mean death. Because I plan to live for a VERY long time and continue beating this cancer. 
I am so grateful to be pregnant! I love feeling my little girl move all the time and knowing that she will be here in 5 short weeks is amazing! I can barely wait and know what a miracle pregnancy truly is!
I am grateful for work. I went back to work this week. (What?!!!)  Yep, I can't believe it either. It has not been easy to be honest and my body is exhausted but I am grateful that I have such a wonderful job to go back to and am grateful for those I work with and how supportive and sweet they all are to me.
I would truly be ungrateful if I didn't say that I am so grateful for my faith. On my first day of chemo an old man that had been in treatments for 8 years told me that the most important thing to have going through all this is faith in God. Of course I knew that before but I know it even more now. 
I am grateful for my family! On the 4th of July Rafa and I  went to a Diamondback game with my mom, dad, and my niece and nephew. 
I am grateful for our country. I didn't get a chance to take a picture but before the game they had all kinds of military men and women on the field and during the 7th inning stretch not only did we sing "Take Me Out To The Ballgame" but also "God Bless America".  It was pretty amazing and had me in tears.
I'm grateful for my hubby. For his sweetness, and for how he has really stepped it up the past few months and showed me even more how I am so blessed to have him in my life. 
I'm grateful for children, particularly my nieces and nephews.  I  was able to spend a lot of time with my nephew, Captain and my niece Brooklyn over the past couple weeks and love them to pieces! This little girl has me SO excited to be having a little girl of my own. She is so sweet and loving and girlie...I love every minute with her!
And I'm grateful for fireworks...yep, even the little things like fireworks make me happy. I found myself in awe as I watched them this year....something about it just made me so happy and grateful for my life and for everything that surrounds me. When you get a minute sit back and think of all the little (and big) things you are grateful for....I'm sure if you could see things thru my eyes you would realize how blessed we all are!

1 comment:

  1. Brooklyn is the reason I wanted you to have a little girl too! I hope Sofie will be just like her!!!
