Monday, April 9, 2012


What a week! It's been a busy one full of family time, sickness, and a litle craziness as we moved into our new little home. This past week following chemo was a rough one. I felt good most of the time but a fever one night landed me in the ER which led to a couple rough days. I thought about writing about that trip to the hospital but decided the whole event made me so grouchy that I should just forget it happened and save the cancer fight for other posts. This post is only going to focus on something happy, MY BABY :)
Today was our 18 week Ultrasound!! I had asked several people to guess on whether it would be a boy or a girl and the guesses were about evenly split! So........It's a GIRL!!!! There was no doubt at the Ultrasound, and they even double checked! I didn't really care either way but knew that eventually I had to have a little girl! I am SO excited to start buying fun things, making big fun flowers and bows. I figure if she's anything like me, she'll come out with more hair than I have now...haha! I think I may make us some matching hats or flowers since I'll be bald for several months after she is born. I am so excited to work on her room now, to get out my sewing machine and get to work making some fun things for my little girl.
Hubby and I went to Cosco today. I bought a little outfit because I couldn't wait to buy something for her! It has zebra print pants....SO EXCITED! Poor Rafa, even as we sat in the ultrasound room he mentioned how he needs to buy a gun now to scare off the boys. I'm excited for him to have a daughter, I know he's excited too...she will wrap him around her little finger I'm sure.
What a miracle it is that my little baby girl looks healthy and strong! She is even measuring a little big for her age which is perfect since she will be born early! I have only gained 2 pounds this whole pregnancy but she is growing perfectly. What a miracle baby she is! I love my little Sofie already!


  1. OMG Congratulations!! Exciting news to hear you're having a girl. :) What a cute name, too!

  2. Amber, I am floored and amazed by everything that's happening in your life. I'm so excited for you and your baby and I wish you the best!
